October 2024 in Review
1st November 2024
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It’s November already and we’re trying our best not to mention the C word!
So, with the start of the penultimate month of the year, let’s have a look back at October. Read on to find out what Team GSWFB got up to…
At the start of the month Trussell released their latest stats showing that a record breaking 9.3 million people across the UK are facing hunger. That’s more than one and a half times the population of Scotland. We believe this is not the kind of record breaking we should be aiming for and continue to hope that we will see foodbank need/usage decline. If you’d like to read more about Trussell’s findings, you can do that here.
Autumn is the time for Harvest celebrations and the tradition of donating food to others. We were the lucky recipients of collections from a number of local churches, nurseries and schools, thank you so much to all those involved. This is something we’d really like to grow next year (pun not intended!). If you have any feedback for us or would like to nominate us to collect from you next Harvest, let us know.
Claire and Sarah got to go and collect at an unusual location for us this month… We were invited to be the charity collectors at Biffy Clyro’s second night of their A Celebration of Beginnings Tour at the famous Glasgow Barrowlands! Donning their very stylish new GSWFB t-shirts and clutching their collection cans, the girls spend a very fun Friday night meeting fans of the band. Thanks to both Biffy Clyro and the Barrowlands for having us.
Coming to the end of the month now, we had our AGM on Monday of this week. Slightly delayed from our normal summer slot, it was lovely to see so many people there. With presentations from our Board Chair Nick Hopkins and staff Claire and Sarah detailing our year 2023/2024, we also discussed how we hope to progress over this year. Thank you to everyone who came along and to Ibrox Parish Church for hosting us.
Finally, we’d like to take a moment to welcome our new Trustees. You might remember we advertised over a few months to fill some vacant positions? Well we had a fantastic response and are now restored to a compliment of ten Trustees. They all came along to the AGM and were formally added to the Board. Hopefully we’ll be introducing them to you in the new year (we don’t know how shy they are yet). Welcome to Team GSWFB, we’re so excited to be working with you!
October saw us operate 22 foodbank sessions spread between our 5 Foodbank Centres. Our staff undertook training sessions with Glasgow University about the Scottish Government’s Cash First Approach and attended the No Wrong Door Event at Glasgow City Chambers. We were also thrilled to go along to the long awaited opening of Threehills Community Supermarket in Nitshill.
October was a really busy month behind the scenes as we start to get geared up for the Christmas season.
November is where our year starts to get really busy, let’s start it….